Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking for hair cut ideas for my rectangle/oblong face shape.?

According to research results, it's likely that my face shape is considered rectangle / oblong. I used to think it was oval, but maybe not. Anyway, I'm a brunette, with wavy, thick hair. I usually either straighten it or put curling gel in it and scrunch it up for a curly look. I'm also really tall, 6'2, and about average weight, (not super skinny, not real fat either...I guess they call it

"thick") so you can get a mental image.

So...right now my hair is past the middle of my back. It's really long. And I'm ready for a cut and want to consider a new style. I do not have bangs, but did try them a time or two but wasn't too happy with the outcome. My hair parts on the side too.

Any suggestions from you beauty professionals out there?

Looking for hair cut ideas for my rectangle/oblong face shape.?

your hair sounds beautiful...I think if you get a layer starting at your cheek bone, it will bring out your eyes...its not really bangs girlfriend has her hair cut that way and its you can wear it straight or curly....and you can leave the back long ....

good luck :)

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