Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How can i have my hair looking wet?

is there something else other than gel, i tried three flowers but it smells bad, tell me some hair stuff...if not what is the best gel out there?

How can i have my hair looking wet?

Crew has a great hair paste for men. You should check it out.

Also, mousse works if you put it in when your hair is wet.

Don't buy the cheap stuff though--like the sutff from grocery stores. It could weaken the follicle over time and cause premature baldness. That's espescially prevelant in men.

How can i have my hair looking wet?

I am 33 and have been using this gel since it came out into the market Loreal Clean Gel $4.00

How can i have my hair looking wet?


How can i have my hair looking wet?

I use moisturizing hand lotion. It works for a few hours and it leaves my hair soft and well conditioned afterward.

How can i have my hair looking wet?

Wet it.

How can i have my hair looking wet?

baby oil

How can i have my hair looking wet?

baby-oil does good for the wet look it also helps mostirise the scalp and the hair to keep it healther looking. as for good gels I use the cheapest mega hold that I can find it works best for me to each their own. i will always try anything once to learn for myself if it works for me or not. GOOD LUCK

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